Sunday, September 5, 2010

Photo Retouching: New Personal Work

Hi all,
I wanted to show everyone some of my new personal work and retouching that I have done recently. I had some extra time to work on my own stuff and wanted to open it up to all of you to see if you have any comments or constructive criticism for me!

Heres the link. What do you think?!

:::Note::: The link was strangely redirecting to my website landing page. It now is fixed to go to the new retouching online gallery!

Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Retouchers and Retouching Discussion Threads.

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Photo Retouching: New technique.

Hi Guys,
I have recently been focusing on the texture of skin in my images and have been thinking about all the skin smoothing techniques I know to make skin look flawless AND realistic at the same time. So I have added one step to the Katrin Eismann technique in the video in the post below, and I think it really helps to create a more natural skin texture!

Click on the image to see a larger animated gif!
(I took the picture too, fyi!!)

In the video in the post below you learn how to use the channels to make a selective color layer and blur it using surface blur. I have this made into an action in my photoshop actions. What I have been doing recently before running that action is pressing {shift + option + command + E} this is the keyboard shortcut for Merge Visible and making a new layer that contains all the changes I have done thus far to the image.

Then you go to Filter -> Other -> High Pass.
Once you are in the High Pass screen, drag the image zoomed into 100% in the box to a part of the image that has skin in it. So you can see the pores.
Slide the radius slider until you can see the pores very well. Then press ok.

With that layer now selected, press {command + U} to unsaturate the layer completely.
Next you will change the blending mode of that layer from "Normal" to "Soft Light."

You will need to turn off the visibility of the layer you just made by pressing the eye next to the layer so that it is invisible. Then drag the layer below a visible layer.

Then, press {shift + option + command + E} again to make another regular layer without the high pass. With that layer selected, do the Katrin Eismann skin smoothing technique shown in the post below.

Once you have completed that, bring the high pass layer back to the top of the layer pallet and mask in the skin detail on top of the layer where the shin was smoothed. It will bring back the detail in the skin and it will look like your model has flawless skin!



Obviously, there are a few more things that I did to this image to make it really pop but most of it was clone tool and stamp tool stuff, and I didn't want to make this post too long.

Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Retouchers and Retouching Discussion Threads.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Photo Retouching: Skin Smoothing

I went to Photo Plus last year in October and while I was there, I sat in on Katrin Eismann's retouching tutorial. I saw the technique that she learned from Chris Tarantino. It is shown in this video link below.

The technique shows you how to select just the skin and soften the shin without loosing detail.

Skin Retouching Video
***It takes a minute to load... but I promise it's worth the wait!***

One thing that I did not include in this video was using the High Pass filter to add even more detail to the skin.
The way you can do that is once you finish the video tutorial, you will hide the skin layer you just made and select the layer underneath it (your layer that is the equivalent to my "Skin Retouch" layer).
You need to duplicate that layer, then you will go to Filter > Other > High Pass.
Use a radius of about 8 or 9.
Select the High Pass layer, and then Command+U to take the saturation of that layer down to zero.
Change the blending mode to Overlay.
Move the layer with the detail to the top of the layer pallet.

Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Retouchers and Retouching Discussion Threads.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Yes, I AM alive!

Hi everyone, first off I owe all of you an apology for how long its taken me to post here. You all have permission to wag your finger at me repeatedly!

I wanted to show you some of my new work that I have been doing. I did both photography and retouching on these images and personally I think they are work showing off a little!

This was my first time working with a new make-up artist; Lisa Carter-McPhee. I was extremely pleased with the outcome and I think her work is really well done.

Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Retouchers and Retouching Discussion Threads.

I have attached a link to the animated gif to show you the retouching i did! If anyone has any questions on how to do something, all you have to do is ask and I'll tell you how to do it. (I opted to post a link here instead of embedding the image to keep it large so you could really see the detail as the gif changes.) Photo Retouching Animated Gif Link

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